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3D-printed eye shields and face shields for frontline medical staff
Asian Ergonomics Design Lab contributes 3D Chinese Head and Face Studies in this project
In the light of the sudden surge in demand for personal protective equipment (PPE) from frontline medical staff, PolyU has been collaborating with Hospital Authority to design and produce 3D-printed eye shields and face shields. PolyU mobilised all its 3D printers in its University Research Facility in 3D Printing (U3DP) to produce 700 pieces of eye shields for QEH in 10 days, the University has also designed and made 800 new face shields for the Hospital Authority (HA) in five days.
PolyU Design is proud to be part of the project to help improve the fit and comfort of the design and solve sizing problem by using our research output of 3D Chinese head and face studies from the Asian Ergonomics Design Lab.
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