OIC x Alipay Design 2021
Design Contest
The ‘OIC’ (OPEN-INNO CHALLENGE) is an open, rapid design contest initiated by the SD+ of PolyU Design for envisioning preferred societal changes and improving people’s lives and well-being.
Together with Alipay Design, the OIC called for SD community to collect observations, stories and creative ideas related to everyday challenges of 'exchanging resources or transacting with others.‘ Such exchange or transaction experiences could be in forms of money, object, credit, skill or time. And also in the aspects of small business, life-long learning, social relationship, alternative way of work/employment, expense management, etc.
OIC is to be used as a joint explorative attempt to identify potential themes of design challenges for the upcoming SD+Alipay collaboration.
Winning ideas and designers
1st Prize
Ma Yifu, Kimo
MDes - ID&BM
Personal carbon account
2nd Prize
Chong Ting Yan, Ellie
MDes - Interaction Design
Parasites in sharing
3rd Prize
Guo Jing
MDes - ID&BM
Facial Recognition with /without Beauty; Green decarbonisation
Feng Zeping
MDes - Design Practices
Toxic love
Yu Hanbo
MDes - ID&BM
Second-hand trading